Enjoying the Ride: The Blog

Author and Blogger Living With MS

3i Housing of Maine

The New iBOT is Here

I recently acquired one of the new generation iBOT wheelchairs. My feelings are best expressed in the thank you note I sent to Mobius Mobility, the folks who manufacture and sell the iBOT.

Twelve years ago, before many of you even heard of such a device, I took delivery of my iBOT 4000. It was my very first wheelchair. For me, using an iBOT instead of a traditional wheelchair lessened the blow of becoming a wheelchair user. I loved the chair so much that I spoke about it and demonstrated it to anyone who cared, and a few who probably didn’t. I became an iBOT evangelist.

Then, just six months later, I was devastated when Independence Technology announced that the iBOT was being discontinued. Sure, I had my iBOT, but this was about more than possessing a wheelchair. I had become part of a movement — the beginning of something wonderful for people with disabilities all over the world. But, as quickly as it had begun, the movement died.

I joined a few other users and advocates to form a group called “Save the iBOT.” We held meetings and brainstormed ideas. We spoke with entrepreneurs and manufacturers, and we kept DEKA informed of our goings-on. Then, when DEKA decided to revive the iBOT program, we celebrated and looked forward to the day we would see new iBOT’s coming off the production line.

For me, that day was Friday, August 7, 2020. When my wife Kim and I visited Mobius Mobility in Manchester so we could be trained on my new iBOT, I felt some of the same excitement I experienced the first time around, in 2008.

I want to thank the folks at Mobius Mobility for all your hard work in developing a truly life-changing product and for allowing me to be part of the process. You guys rock!

As my disability continues to advance, I stand ready to help in any way I can to test future iBOT features required by the more significantly disabled population.

To Dean Kamen:  Thank you for your refusal to let the iBOT program die. Your ingenuity, persistence, and compassion will benefit people with disabilities for years to come. I used to believe that nobody could truly understand what it’s like to be unable to walk until it happens to them. But I think of you as the exception. On behalf of wheelchair users everywhere, we bestow upon you the honorary title of “One of Us.” 

Attached are two photographs, taken a decade apart. The chair got better over that period of time and I got, well, let’s just say I’m still enjoying the ride.

The next generation iBOT, referred to as the iBOT PMD (Personal Mobility Device), is a significant improvement over the original. All components have been updated. The seating system is more advanced and more comfortable. The user interface (joystick and switches) is streamlined. The battery packs are worlds ahead of the old ones.

The new iBOT has similar functionality as the original — standard mode, four-wheel-drive, balance, and stairclimbing — but Mobius has plans to add new functionality in the future.

As of this moment, insurance companies still are not reimbursing patients, but Mobius Mobility is working hard on that issue. Also, several charitable organizations are helping patients get into these new wheelchairs. If you want to buy one directly, they cost a little over $30,000.

Visit the website for contact information.

I’m so happy to have a new iBOT. Watch for more posts! 

7 Replies to “The New iBOT is Here”

  1. Hi there! Another great post! I’ve been loving your book. Last night I read about your love of fireworks, how you need to be so close your breastbone vibrates. Completely great.

    1. Amy, so glad you’re enjoying my blog and my book. I certainly get a lot out of writing them.

  2. Mitch! Sandy here…..I am thrilled to hear that you have your new iBot! I know how long you’ve been dreaming about this day and the ups and downs of that dream. So yay!!! May you enjoy this as much and more as your iBot #1. Cheers to you for persevering in drawing attention to this amazing machine. Horray!!!

  3. SO happy to hear your iBot came! I have been following your adventures for a number of years now. 2 Years ago I got a Quantum Edge 2.0 iLevel after reading your descriptions of your new wheelchair. I love it and its “rising” capability, (as my husband says…perfect bar level 🙂 but I too hope to someday get the iBOT if only insurance would at least help pay for it! I look forward to reading your “adventures” on the new iBOT!!

    1. Loretta, your Quantum Edge is an amazing wheelchair in its own right. But the iBot continues to provide a unique experience, and I hope it gets much wider distribution this time around. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

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