The Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center (BNAC) is a world-class center for MS research. As with all academic research, however, it can be difficult for patients to read and understand their published reports.
I’m on the Patient Advisory Council for BNAC, and we have embarked on an effort to make academic research more accessible to patients. We convert complicated medical research jargon into plain English. Here is a link to our first effort:
click here for our plain talk summary called: A Better Way to Measure MS Progression
Additionally, we produced this short video with an introduction to the project and an interview of its principal investigator. See below.
And please keep in mind our highest priority research project that can use your funding, CASA MS — click here.
2 Replies to “A Better Way to Measure MS Progression”
Hi Mitch, you are an insparations, but it does get very hard sometimes. I have to find a lot of Positive ideas.
To keep me busy.
Mark, thanks for stopping by and commenting. I think about you often. It’s a real slog, this MS thing. My only advice is to open up to new ideas about how to pass the time and stay involved in things. Get creative. (I know, easier said than done…)
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