The 10 Best Things About MS
As with my previous post, The 10 Worst Things About MS, I’m drawing on my personal experiences here. This disease attacks everybody in a different
As with my previous post, The 10 Worst Things About MS, I’m drawing on my personal experiences here. This disease attacks everybody in a different
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) I’m referring to my personal situation. This disease attacks everybody in a different way, and therefore each person’s experience with MS is
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) …because I can’t decide on just one topic this week. Quote of the Week “The fundamental cause of the trouble is
In my previous post I tantalized you by revealing that I harbor some deep, dark secret, which I will now disclose. In retrospect, for anyone
(Photo credit: dansays) I began to notice that I was different from the other kids in middle school, at the same time my hormones were
(Photo credit: West Point – The U.S. Military Academy) Today I took an oath. Afterward, I tried to recall other times in my life when
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) It’s all right letting yourself go as long as you can let yourself back. – Mick Jagger We have two parts
I’ve received a lot of questions from readers, so I’ll format this final vacation post as a Q and A: Mitch, would you go this
All good things must come to an end. I had thoroughly enjoyed this vacation. Yet, the thought of returning to my handicapped accessible home and
I put together a short video showing how the iBot performed in the Bahamas. Check back in the coming days for my last two posts
Activity #3: Visiting Paradise Island The huge, mega-resort in the Bahamas is called Atlantis. It dominates an island just off Nassau called Paradise Island. For
So, what did we do for four full days and two half-days in the Bahamas? First, let me explain what we didn’t do, which is
The luxury treatment continued. After the champagne and lemon scented towels at the entrance, the porters grabbed our bags and someone else led us to
It’s a lot of work to get to Paradise, but we kept making progress… The boarding of our Baltimore to Nassau flight went well, and
I think that there are at least three people living inside of us at all times. There is an anticipating self, imagining the future. There
I recently heard something on a Ted talk, which, although obvious, I hadn’t given much thought to before. Your parents leave you too early in
Image via Wikipedia As I’ve mentioned before, my mother was a wheelchair user from the time I was six years old, so I knew about
Ever since I first ventured out in public with a wooden cane a few years ago, I’ve been on a mission. Until I became one,
Do you ever fantasize about the perfect day? I’m not talking about winning the lottery, lying on a tropical beach sipping Coronas, or watching Yankee
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) I’ve been asked how it is that I maintain my identity – how it is I keep MS from defining who I
If the video does not play for you, go to this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1diQG2Fz474
Keep in mind that it’s not only me. It’s Kim too. We’re both suffering from the effects of MS. Sure, I’m the one who has
(Photo credit: epSos.de) “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.” Albert Einstein
As you know, I try to strike a balance here. I don’t sugarcoat my condition, but neither do I wallow in self-pity. As such, it
(Photo credit: paparutzi) This little blog brings me great joy. I’ve been able to connect with so many wonderful people who I otherwise would never
Of course my arms are not really growing shorter, but they might as well be. My MS progression has not been random, but has instead
Not so long ago, even during my first year as a wheelchair user, I was a proficient traveler. I could get from one part of
As I mentioned in Home Improvements – Installment #1 and in my posts about moving, here and here, not long ago we relocated from the
As you may already know, the iBot, this life-changing mobility device, is no longer being manufactured. Why? It’s because of a complex set of circumstances
My friend Keith ruptured his aorta a few years ago. The bleeding was slow enough and the medical attention he received was timely enough that
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) In the United States there is a progression of steps that one must go through to fully transition from a healthy worker
When I started down this path 11 years ago, I knew nothing about MS. I didn’t know anyone who had it. I didn’t know how
Kim and I recently took a hike in the woods. “But Mitch, aren’t you in a wheelchair?” Yes. Yes I am. Please visit the Crotched
A mere 10 years ago today, my life changed forever. I was betrothed to a first class bitch. She’s overbearing, thoughtless, and unrelenting. She takes
As I mentioned in my previous posts, here and here, we recently moved into a new home which has great potential for becoming wheelchair accessible.
Although my house is set up for optimum comfort and accessibility, I am occasionally (ok, often) compelled to leave the nest and venture out into
I posted here and here about our recent move to a more walkable neighborhood. I plan to make a series of slideshows and/or videos where
I’ll start by introducing myself, since I have been invited to be a guest blogger at EnjoyingtheRide.com. I am Kim, wife of Mitch, mother of
I launched this blog over two years ago to help pass the time while engaged in a productive activity – advocating for the disabled community.
The problem wasn’t finding a suitable neighborhood. The problem was finding a wheelchair accessible house or condo therein. Since all of our target neighborhoods were
It has been said that a home is the biggest purchase you’ll ever make. We just made our sixth biggest purchase you’ll ever make. It’s
(Photo credit: Robert S. Donovan) Today our youngest child left for college. Although the tuition costs will be daunting, I half expect our finances to
Image via Wikipedia Dear Readers, I am a born skeptic. As such, I am reluctant to accept sensational or non-scientific explanations of how the world
I wrote a post a couple of weeks ago about all the toys that I’ve sold because MS doesn’t allow me to play with them
(Photo credit: @Doug88888) A well-meaning friend once wrote to me, as part of a discussion about some new MS treatment, “If you don’t have hope,
Image via Wikipedia What follows has nothing to do with religion. At this point in the evolution of my blog, I’ve managed to refrain from
I’ve owned more than my share of man-toys over the years. The minimalists among us might argue that this is nothing to be proud of.
25 Years ago today I validated the best decision I ever made, and became married to the love of my life, Kim. I still can’t believe how fortunate I am.
“All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.” Ellen Glasgow For most of my life I’ve been a changoholic. Couldn’t get enough
I first published this post in 2010. Today I dusted it off, spruced it up a bit, and again present it for your reading pleasure:
Once upon a time, in a faraway land called Happy Valley, there lived a good and honest sharecropper and his four capable sons, who were
The 10 best things about my recent vacation: A Thousand Pretty Girls Saturday night in Las Vegas is when all the beautiful people dress up
Image via Wikipedia Per the title of this series, there are some rewards associated with disabled travel. Is it time to discuss those? No, not
Image via Wikipedia re·source·ful·ness – ability to deal skillfully and promptly with new situations, difficulties, etc. Disabled travel is all about resourcefulness. When I’m at
Image via Wikipedia lo·gis·tics [loh-jis-tiks, luh-] the planning, implementation, and coordination of the details of a business or other operation. Disabled travel is all about
(Photo credit: Sean MacEntee) For those of us afflicted with a progressive, incurable disease, time is not on our side. The younger the patient, the
I defy you to name a more amiable and lovely 18-year-old than Libby, my niece. She is simply a joy to be around. Libby and
Why is it that two particular types of retailers treat consumers as if we are complete idiots? Yes, I’m referring to auto dealerships and discount
On March 16, 2011, I was treated a second time for a condition called CCSVI, which is thought by some to be associated with multiple
I’m awaiting some feedback from Dr. Siskin before I post images and other details about my March 16 CCSVI procedure. In the meantime, please consider
“There…we are done. I’ll see you in recovery,” said Dr. Siskin. One more CCSVI procedure was now in my rearview mirror. I don’t dread these-
My worst nightmare was coming true. Everyone kept introducing themselves and telling me their names. Didn’t they know that the name-remembering part of my brain
The drive to Albany, where I had my second CCSVI treatment, is so much different than the drive to Brooklyn, where I had my first.