I couldn’t decide what to get you for our 30th. Because we’re leaving in a couple days for a camping trip, flowers didn’t make sense. You’re not big on jewelry (thankfully). I considered a gift certificate to the tattoo parlor down the street, so you could have my likeness emblazoned on a private place, but that seemed presumptuous. Yes, we’re going to a nice restaurant tonight. That’s hardly a gift from me to you, however.
I’ve decided to give you something every girl wants – a blog post in your honor.
July 5, 1986
We very much wanted the ceremony in my parents’ backyard but had the church available in case of inclement weather. With scattered showers predicted, we took a chance and decided early in the day to go with the outdoor venue.
It rained, but only lightly, and there was no wind. The umbrellas in the audience added color. We had scheduled two songs, but cut one of them because the equipment was getting wet. We whispered back-and-forth that we would move the receiving line inside to the reception hall.
As soon as the wedding ceremony finished, the rain stopped. We went back to the original plan for the receiving line and even posed for pictures outside.
During the limo ride to the reception hall, we took care of a bottle of champagne. That put us in the right mood for the party that ensued. Our friend David King sang at the wedding reception. When our daughter gets married later this summer, David is flying in from Las Vegas for an encore performance at her wedding.
A couple days later we left Lincoln behind for our honeymoon, which ended at our new apartment in Cleveland, Ohio. The rest is history.
Kim, so much of what is good in my life comes from being married to you. Your outlook, your energy and enthusiasm, your positivity and your love have made these 30 years an unbelievable experience. I wish our lives were not so difficult, but I can’t imagine going through any of it, the good times or the bad, without you.
Happy anniversary!
thank you!
Happy Anniversary! (What a great gift!)
thank you, thank you!
Happy Anniversary! Xx
thanks, Susan
Kim & Mitch,
WOW ____ that was like the sweetest gift ever! Way to go, Mitch.
You've got a keeper there, Kim.
And thanks to you, Kim for being an amazing wife.
God Bless,
thanks Dee!
Hello Mitch. Happy anniversary to you. 🙂 My husband was recently diagnosed with PPMS and we found the TED talk by Dr. Terry Wahl. I wonder if you've looked into her dietary theories or if you've tried it. We're going to give it a go. Thank you. 🙂
Cara, sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. I am disinclined to pursue dietary solutions, but I've heard many anecdotal success stories, so I wish you the best of luck!
Happy Anniversary! I loved looking at the pics! So sweet. We got married in 1985, love for a life time. You gave her a great gift!!!
Kim, glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for commenting.