More Media Coverage about the Accessible Pathway in My Neighborhood

Unless you’re new to my blog, or you skip over the self-aggrandizing posts like this one, you’ve already read several times about my successful efforts to have a wheelchair accessible pathway installed through Thomas Knight Park. Now three widely read outlets have picked up the story.

I first documented this issue and my intention to do something about it at my friend Kate Milliken’s awesome website My Counterpane.

My initial blog posts on the subject were:

Our Love Affair with Cobblestone Streets and Brick Sidewalks
Wheelchair Accessible Pathway Installed around Cobblestone Street in My Neighborhood
A local newspaper’s article

The New Articles

All of these came about because Kate at My Counterpane advocated for me.

Liftbump is a national news consolidating service, and they ran this story.

Next, the MS International Federation posted this version on their World MS Day website.

But the story’s broadest exposure took place through the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Facebook page, where they posted this video. It was viewed over 14,000 times, shared on Facebook over 100 times, and liked by almost 400 people.

A Humbling Experience

I think these articles have run their course, so I won’t bore you with them anymore. It’s certainly been a humbling and rewarding experience, both seeing the path installed, and watching the interest it has generated. My hope is that the story has inspired others to become activists for accessibility issues in their neighborhoods.

3 Replies to “More Media Coverage about the Accessible Pathway in My Neighborhood”

  1. Proud to "know" you Mitch. You've done amazing things that benefit so many. Thanks for being "the squeaky wheel" that gets the job done!!!

    P.S. And your articles about this are NOT boring. Keep 'em coming!

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