The iBot Lives!

This is the news we’ve all been waiting for. A little company called Toyota will partner with DEKA to develop and manufacture the next generation of iBot. Read the press release here, and be sure to watch the video embedded in the story.

To see video of my iBot in action, click here.

10 Replies to “The iBot Lives!”

  1. I knew it would happen. It's too good of an invention to let die. Now all we have to do is convince medicare of that.

  2. Hello Mitch! I stumbled upon your blog while searching alternative treatments for PPMS for my uncle. His disease is progressing rapidly, and he is desperate to try anything, having no luck with traditional treatments. I wanted to subscribe to your blog, but for some odd reason I couldn't enter my personal gmail address. Is there a way I can send you my email to manually subscribe? Thank you!! Vanessa

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