The Yin and Yang of MS

I am dependent but not helpless.
I am left behind, but I enjoy time alone.
I am fragile but not weak.
I am embarrassed but not ashamed.
I am disabled, but I’m not hungry, wet, cold, or abused.

I don’t walk in the woods, but I still sit by the ocean.
I don’t sleep well at night, so I can’t stay awake during the day.
I don’t travel as much, but people come to me.
I don’t work, but I remain relevant.
I don’t walk, run, swim, or bike, but I still breathe, swallow, see, and speak.
I don’t drive, but I am driven.

I am a born optimist, but I don’t like my chances.
I am a prisoner in this body, but I possess free will.
I am embattled, but I remain content.
I am frightened, but I am loved.
I am frustrated and discouraged, but more often I am amused and intrigued.
I worry about tomorrow, but I live for today.

19 Replies to “The Yin and Yang of MS”

    1. The urban dictionary defines Koala tea as: a bastardized pronunciation of "quality" that functions as an adjective. It's the first time I've ever been complemented thusly 🙂

  1. I Love these sayings! It describes our lives with MS, etc. so well. I am a born optimist it seems also?? When you list what you can still do, it reminds me of those who cant speak anymore.

    1. Kim, I think it's a good exercise for us to remember that there is always someone worse off than we are, and often times they have an attitude that is as good or better. For me, and you I think, this is humbling.

  2. Beautiful. And so relevant and true for me. Thank you for that. I hope you are going to compile and publish?

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